This is Me!

This is Me!

As we grow, our thoughts, views & the perception changes over time. The time which made me cry in the past put a smile on my face now, but that was also me!

Things which irked, tough times and forever’s! Phew, what not… It doesn't bother me anymore!

May be I am more sorted now.. I am sorted in a way that I know nothing stays forever. People, Situation, Time…. Everything gonna change. It is bound to change and that is Life.

I feel I have also changed over time. The way I used to look at the world and the way I look at it now is completely different. 

As Buddha said, At the end only 3 things matters:

a. How much you loved

b. How gently you lived

c. How gracefully you let go of things not meant for you

Hmmmm….. Be it now or then, it was, it is and it will be ME with more blended version.

Have you also ever thought how you and your thought process has evolved over time, Isn’t amazing?  🙌🏼



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