The day that changed my life

Last year this day changed our lives permanently. Everything became upside down. This is the day I became a Mother to my Mother.

After traumatic head injury, When Doctor said “By god’s grace she is alive now but listen she has gone back, you have to be very patient , She will recover slowly” , I did not know she has gone so back that she was no more less than a kid. 

From teaching her ‘ABCD’ to telling her that I am her daughter, She became my daughter. It killed me everytime when I had to tell her again and again who I am. It was not an easy journey. Holding back my tears while making her sleep, explaining each and everything, I became more responsible.

It would be really unfair if I donot mention these people who stood strong with us. If today my mom is recovering very fast that’s because of their immense support.My dad who literally took care of my mother like a newborn baby and My husband who became a pillar and supported us unconditionally. My chikki,dodappa and dodamma who took care of our home for months together while we were at hospital. My cousin brothers who stayed at hospital when in need. Our family members who were kind enough to share our pain. My friends who used to visit hospital in their busy schedule to bring a smile on my face and All the wellwishers who prayed for my mother recovery.

We are so grateful to each and everyone of them who cared,shared our pain in tough times.

This incident has changed me so much as in person. Me, Mine, Myself , so much of ego we have right? When table turns it hits so hard that you realize we are nothing in front of time. Being kind and compassionate towards each other is all we can do. Tough times are like tests in life , It’s upto us whether we pass or fail. Hope and Prayers are what keeps us going 🙏🏼



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