YOU are enough for YOU!

We live in an imaginary world, Aren’t we? Our happiness depends on others. We smile when someone makes us happy. We are the one’s who give our key of happiness to 'somebody' and later cry when it’s lost. My question is why we always need somebody to be happy? Before anybody else Isn’t it’s our right to be happy for ourselves? Why we should wear the smile given by others when we can wear our own? It’s just our own thought process that we think we cannot be happy without them. Just think, What will we do when that somebody leaves, It’s quite obvious that today or another day we will be all alone as everything in this world is temporary . So we feel collapsed, we feel restless, we feel depressed, we lose our happiness. 

Just remember YOU ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU. May be someone is your world but for your SOUL? It lives for YOU, It lives in YOU, YOU are it’s world and only YOU can bring happiness to it and NOBODY ELSE. Needless to say spread the smile if somebody has lost and struggling to find it, After all Smile is  ‘CONTAGIOUS’ πŸ˜€


  1. Your Articles are spreading happiness already 😊
    It is you who can make you happy !!
    After all LIFE is a BUBBLE on WATER. let's spread smiles πŸ₯°

    1. Thank you 😍😍☺️☺️ and yea we should always ☺️

  2. Yes, smiles are contagious! 😊❤


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