
It was 3 AM, she wokeup. Tears were continuosly rolling from her eyes,Unbearable pain without any reason. She was lost. she tried to sleep but no,she couldn’t. she couldn’t understand what she is going through, For a minute she stayed strong the very next minute she brokedown. Life had lost it’s meaning.It was so empty. Felt sleeping in peace is better than to live in peace.Her own shadow laughed and mocked at her. yes, she was going through “Depression”

The word often neither taken seriously nor spoken out loud.

Listen, We are all in this, Each and Everyone go through this at certain point of life. When somebody gifts you something you feel special right, you never want to lose that.Dont you think your birth is the biggest gift your parents have gifted to you? Before taking the final decision, Wont your parents smiling face strike your mind? Does saying sorry and leaving them behind suffice it? Will your near one’s be happy by this? You are strong.Just speak about what you feel, Share with your dear one’s. You have come this much far fighting with this and dont giveup now.You can overcome this. Think of all the good moments that has happened to your life. Set an example to others how you became a true fighter. Send a positive message.Help others too who are going through this.Remember, Suicide is not the ultimate solution, but fighting with positive attitude is.

“We are here,We will listen, We will overcome” 



  1. True !! Every Single Day is a struggle and overcoming our own odds and winning against our own selves is the challenge! Life is a continuous struggle and constant learning.. Lets LOVE each and every Day coz it's a wonderful PRESENT ��


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