Ummmm.....One thing I am hearing from the day I was born,Ah ah, I too agree we should not waste a minute of time,we should make use of it atmost.Agreed.wait,but how!?By studying! 😲. Read Read Read,Score full marks,Be a topper,then only you will be on the race.thats what defines the rate of success,Really?I am not denying the fact that it is also a factor, but I strongly believe this alone cannot define the rate of success. Just like one might like adventure movies and another action in a similar way it’s not required you to be a topper of the class to be on a race,There are so many ways to achieve.We have to keep in mind that we just cannot give lame excuse that we cannot do-until and unless we had put our effort.Failure is another part,Its okay to fail,even after we put our soul on it and if we fail,Thats okay.Its not the end of life or end of race, I like motor race, some one like horse race and the other car race, we do have a lot of options right?Let’s excel where our interest is in.Let’s keep our passion alive,Let’s paint our dream,Give them wings. Let it fly HIGH.
So much gyaan for the day 😂,okay bye tada.
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